A few weeks ago Jalopnik posted images of a ham who had a Dodge Colt for sale...

The car itself was priced at $500, but the electronics inside are valued at $25,000!!! Just one look inside and it's impossible for me to imagine the ability to actually drive this thing, much less operate while mobile, with all the radios, scanners, GPS's, mics, and even a Game Boy.

I'm sure plenty of questions come into mind when looking at this, the first being "Why?!?!?!". Well, why do we string 5 dipoles over our homes, along with 3 omnidirectionals and a beam or 2? Why do we climb mountains with 20 lbs of radios to operate from the peak of some rock no one has heard of? Why do we build morse code transmitters inside of tuna cans? Why build J-poles when we could buy them?
Along the same lines, why do some people collect Barbie Dolls, collectible plates, baseball cards, etc. Why, why why?

I don't know if anyone would actually buy this beast, but then again, one man's junk is another's treasure. I'm sure the hydraulics on the rear push the value of the Colt to $1000.
By the way, it looks like the folks at HamSexy had a heads-up on this last April.
Being 6'3", I don't think I'd fit in the car with it empty, so I'm going to have to pass.
Still, I wonder if the stereo works. If so, does it have the original 8-track?